Contributing to RouteComposer

We welcome contributions to the RouteComposer’s repository.

Contributing can take many forms, but to make administering the process easier, we handle all contributions in one of two ways:

Making Suggestions & Pointing Out Problems

Such contributions include:

  • Reporting bugs
  • Sending feature requests
  • Pointing out typos

For these types of contributions, please create a GitHub Issue in the appropriate repo containing the message that you’d like to convey.

Improving the Codebase

This would include:

  • Fixing bugs
  • Tweaking project file settings
  • Writing unit tests
  • Submitting performance and other code improvements
  • Adding new features
  • Correct typos

To contribute in this way, please submit a pull request by:

  1. Forking the repo to which you’d like to submit a contribution
  2. Committing changes to your fork
  3. Pushing your changes to GitHub
  4. Submitting a pull request from your changes

If your pull request is related to something already tracked in a GitHub Issue, please be sure to note the issue number (and include a link to the issue page) in your pull request.